Sunday, September 16, 2007


There's really no other way to describe this past weekend besides this one word: Full.

From the visiting friends, sitting outside Stomping Grounds drinking coffee, smoking and seeing how many drunk people walking around campustown we could get to yell back the Go Hawks chant, walking everywhere and anywhere and freezing our butts off... from the early morning tailgating, the intense rivalry football game, storming the field after a victory and going absolutely insane, running into my 2 favorite boys from Bethel, relaxing by sitting around and drinking tea with friends, having amazing conversations and hearing hilarious stories... all the way to an early morning drive back to Des Moines, laffy taffy for breakfast on the road, church with Nick's family, brunch following, time spent with my wonderful mom at home, my dog bounding from the neighbor's yard all the way up to where I stood on our deck he was so excited to see me, conquering the giant big-screen tv and fitting it in my car, driving back to Ames, resettling, dinner at Clyde's, watching Robin Williams Live comedy show on the big-screen, and rocking Super Mario 64 old school nintendo.

this weekend was definitely full-throttle, and completely awesome. On the other hand, I'm now looking forward to a weekend where I can just relax and not do much of anything.

not exactly a deep-thinking blog tonight, but I promise that'll happen again soon. the thoughts are a-swirling already.

here's one deep thought that I've been thinking about today: if I believe in the God of the Bible, do I live it out or do I just say that I believe in the God of the Bible? because if God is the God of the Bible, the creator of everything, why do I come across a problem and immediately act like the God of this universe isn't bigger than my problem and hasn't already conquered everything this world throws at me? well, I DO believe in God, the God who made me, who made everything, who watches over me like a concerned, loving Father to a child.... so the second a problem comes up, just remember God our Father, and what He did- ALL that He did, and you will realize.. how can you doubt someone who did ALL of that and is doing it all still? Just read the Bible, and look around at your life right now. It's all right there. All the answers you will ever need.

k love you bye!

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