Last weekend was AMAZING. It was a huge reunion for me and all of my friends back home. and I mean huge! It started off Friday afternoon when Zach and I drove back, went to James' and dropped off Zach's car/stuff, then the three of us went to the mall. From that point on, it was pure joy for me I think... honestly, just pure joy. i love my friends. Highlights on Friday.....
Aubs and I met up with Caely, Tim and Austin... Aubs, Caely and I proceeded inside Valley Stadium to watch the Valley-Waukee football game.....Natalie!!!!!....haha, um....cheering for my old high school team (it doesnt seem to right to say "old" yet, but might as well start), loved it!....yay football.....saw lots of familiar faces, weird yet cool.....saw Corey from K-life, freaking awesome, I really miss him!! Austin's birthday present ready, then got him to come over to the stands and we sang him Happy Birthday and gave him cheesecake from the cheesecake factory!!!... he loved it!.....we crushed waukee.....5th quarter began outside Valley Church!.....reunited with all members of ATA, YAY!!!!....... had the most fantastic hug i've ever had with one named Mitch Tisl, i love him so much.....Kayla, Blake, Lindsey :-)...... lots and lots of hugs with everyone.... Brandon Barker, Travis, R-Tow and Ben Anderson......ATA played their show.......James and I made fun of all the hardcore dancing, it was hysterical.....lots of fun.... afterwards, everyone came back to my, lots of it.....massage trains.....Bry sleeping on the couch.....stayed at my house til 2 a.m., awesome.... took Aubs home, GREAT NIGHT :-).

Saturday was very busy for me. Went shopping with my momma, saw the movie THE DEPARTED with most of the gang, and it was the most amazing move everrrrr!!!! umm..... Aubs and I went to Nobbies and I got my Halloween costume (greek goddess....duh)......quick dinner at home......then headed to Waukee!......ATA and Fileo played at the waukee community center with 3 other bands..... long, but fun......lots of cigar, pictures, pictures!.....Luke got me, Genya and Sarah ice cream :-).......Blake, Mitch, Zach, Kayla, Aubs and I took a trip to McDonalds, yum.......Rob......Hay, hahahha....... phone call from far away......devastation, a little bit..... i had a little breakdown but Aubs took care of me....back to friends, i decided to just let go and ENJOY my time with them......everyone drove back to James' house towards the end of the show..... Halo, lol......HOT CHOCOLATE!!!.....popcorn, yummyy!.....PING PONG.......lots of people left around 12/12:30.......Bry asleep on the floor..... haha..... James kicked the rest of us out at 1:30 a.m., but did we go home? ohh no..... Mitch, Zach, Kayla and I took a walk down James' street, but stayed outside (mind you, it was very cold that night!), just being completely RIDICULOUS and crazy in the middle of James' street until 4:30 in the freaking morning! was just insane.... but, pretty much the most amazing night/morning ever! was GREAT... said goodbye to everyone.....

Sunday..... Zach and I had a very exciting excursion at super target in which he left his wallet in the car on accident, so I had to pay for all of his groceries!.......then we picked up Mike and headed back here to Ames.
This week has been long, rough, tiring, and busy.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights... I basically lived at Zach and Mike's dorm, lol, i would stay there until 1 or 1:15 a.m. and then walk home and not go to bed til either 3:30 or 2:30 haha.... i dont even know, but it has just been crazy this week. I really wanted to spend time around those guys, it helped keep my mind off of other things. Today was great, after my meeting w/ my advisor within the Greenlee School of Journalism, I watched a movie with Cort and Catherine in Cort's room over in Birch... we watched 10 THings I Hate About You, and it was fantastically funny.. haha....then Catherine left around 6:30, and the next 2 hours Cort and I just hung out in his room. he played guitar and sang, i drew, we were on our computers, we watched a little of Parental Control on mtv which was absolutely ridiculous.... oh gosh, it was just fun. I love my brothaa Cort! Then Austin picked me up and we went to SALT together! i didnt feel like going... because the freezing cold weather makes me lazy and apathetic.... but, I went... and I'm so glad i did... Paul, the youth pastor there, gave a really good talk on sexuality immorality. no joke, it was very good. I saw lots of great people that I'm slowly getting to know from Salt, like Aidan and Nick, so thats exciting.
anyway. its time for me to go to bed, darn it! I have to wake up early tomorrow and drive back to Des Moines with my sis to attend my Grandpa's funeral. it is very bittersweet. i cant wait to see all my cousins/uncles/aunts, especially Uncle Clair, Aunt Sue and my SAWEEEETT cousin Brandon from Florida! i havent seen them in forever! it will be very sad and probably a little depressing just doing the whole funeral thing, but very happy at the same time. it will be ok. we have each other, family is family, and you have to stick together in these times. then i will be home for the remainder of the weekend. the end.
long blog. GOODNIGHT. <3
Wow, I got a mention in a blog post! Woo-hoo! AND, you went to TSC (at some point it ceased to be TSC and became Salt, among those in the know, I'm fairly certain), which is still very dear to my heart. Very cool. If only I'd been smart enough to get plugged in as a freshman instead of as a junior.
aw man. emily i was not exactly mentioned even though i was totally there. oh well, i'll forgive you! miss you!
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