"You've found hope, you've found faith,
Found how fast she could take it away.
Found true love, lost your heart.
Now you don't know who you are.
She made it easy, made it free,
Made you hurt till you couldn't see.
Sometimes it stops, sometimes it flows,
But baby that is how love goes.
You will fly and you will crawl;
God knows even angels fall.
No such thing as you lost it all.
God knows even angels fall.
It's a secret no one tells;
One day it's heaven, one day it's hell.
It's no fairy tale; take it from me,
That's the way it's supposed to be.
You will fly and you will crawl;
God knows even angels fall.
No such thing as you lost it all.
God knows even angels fall.
You laugh, you cry, no one knows why
But OH the thrill of it all...
You're on the ride, you might as well
Open your eyes
You will fly and you will crawl;
God knows even angels fall.
No such thing as you lost it all.
God knows even angels fall.
Even angels fall
Even angels fall."
--Jessica Riddle, 10 Things I Hate About You movie soundtrack.
This is my absolute favorite old hymn of ALL time.
"Come thou fount of every blessing
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace
Streams of mercy never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise
Teach me some melodious sonnet
Sung by flaming tongues above
Praise the mount I'm fixed upon it
Mount of Thy redeeming love
Here I raise my Ebenezer
Hither by Thy help I'm come
And I hope by Thy good pleasure
Safely to arrive at home
Jesus sought me when a stranger
Wondering from the fold of God
He, to rescue me from danger
Interposed His precious blood
O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I'm constrained to be
Let Thy goodness like a fetter
Bind my wandering heart to Thee
Prone to wander Lord I feel it
Prone to leave the God I love
Here's my heart, Lord, take and seal it,
seal it for Thy courts above.
Come thou fount of every blessing
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace
Streams of mercy never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise
Teach me some melodious sonnet
Sung by flaming tongues above
Here's my heart, Lord, take and seal it,
seal it for Thy courts above
O Here's my heart, Lord, take and seal it,
seal it for Thy courts above."
that's all.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Prone To Wander, this heart of mine.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Friendship is beautiful.
tuesday lunch bunch met today. as usual, it was lovely. then cort and i walked back to birch in the beautiful, mild weather, talking about life. duh, what else. i pretty much can't explain how much that kid means to me and how much our friendship has impacted my life. he's one of those friends that you feel like you've known your entire life, even if it's only been a few years. we rented the movie Good Will Hunting, and watched it in his room with Andy and JR. Andy left mid-way through, and Foster arrived a little bit afterwards to join us. When the movie was over, the four of us walked over to Maple-Willow-Larch to get junk food at the C-store. haha. my goodness, the weather was stunningly beautiful! the sun was shining brighter than before, and as we walked i just took in the fresh air that wasn't bitter cold and miserable- like it probably will be tomorrow walking to class! we stocked up on food and drinks, then went back to Cort and JR's room. Cort went down to work on something in the computer lab, so i watched Alex and JR play super mario. Later, JR left, so it was just me and Alex for a little bit. Fos was in such a good mood today, I was very happy to spend some time with him. He seemed to be acting the way he used to when we hung out like every day in the summer of '05. Cort returned and then him and I were alone for a little while because Fos ran back to his frat house to get more food/drinks and a movie! When he got back, we started watching the movie Green Street Hooligans... i think.. yeah i think thats the right title. haha. it has Elijah Wood in it!!!!!!!!! YAY! I was excited!!! but I only got to watch like... 20 mins or so of it, because my momma arrived outside Birch!
yep... she had to make a trip because I (being the incredibly smart woman that I am), left BOTH of my winter coats in the closet back home... yup. So she gave them to me, I got to see my dog Paddy for a few minutes and talk to my mom, as she gave me a ride to the udcc. I met Jamie and Catherine for din din. Then, some friendly faces walked in and ended up sitting at the table right next to us! Brian (erin's boyyyfriend), Brett, and Alex (not Foster) ! Jamie and I ended up staying extra long to talk to them... funny things were said, lets just say that. lots of cracking up was done! haha. Jamie left, then Brian walked me up to my room just to be nice. We ended up getting in a deep discussion on some issues, like about Bible studies and things in Scripture about community...then that turned into being safe and comfortable, needing to step out of that comfort zone...what i want to do, what he wants to do later on in life...it was intense! So... it turned into me and Bro sitting in the hallway down by the Helser 4th floor den and talking for quite a long time. It was a great talk. At the end, Brian just started praying, so we prayed right there as we sat in the hallway. It was really cool. He is a great encourager!
I actually did homework tonight. I also watched the new episode of Gilmore Girls, and That 70s Show after I took my shower.
Sigh. I should go to bed.
Hey, you know what? God is in control, my friends. and He is worthy of our praise, at all times. <3 so with that I bid you goodnight!
yep... she had to make a trip because I (being the incredibly smart woman that I am), left BOTH of my winter coats in the closet back home... yup. So she gave them to me, I got to see my dog Paddy for a few minutes and talk to my mom, as she gave me a ride to the udcc. I met Jamie and Catherine for din din. Then, some friendly faces walked in and ended up sitting at the table right next to us! Brian (erin's boyyyfriend), Brett, and Alex (not Foster) ! Jamie and I ended up staying extra long to talk to them... funny things were said, lets just say that. lots of cracking up was done! haha. Jamie left, then Brian walked me up to my room just to be nice. We ended up getting in a deep discussion on some issues, like about Bible studies and things in Scripture about community...then that turned into being safe and comfortable, needing to step out of that comfort zone...what i want to do, what he wants to do later on in life...it was intense! So... it turned into me and Bro sitting in the hallway down by the Helser 4th floor den and talking for quite a long time. It was a great talk. At the end, Brian just started praying, so we prayed right there as we sat in the hallway. It was really cool. He is a great encourager!
I actually did homework tonight. I also watched the new episode of Gilmore Girls, and That 70s Show after I took my shower.
Sigh. I should go to bed.
Hey, you know what? God is in control, my friends. and He is worthy of our praise, at all times. <3 so with that I bid you goodnight!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
You are HOLY, HOLY...
Today was an INCREDIBLE day.
An incredibly GOD-FILLED day!
After my two classes, Erin and I went to lunch. Cort joined, and we caught up with each other and stayed there talking long after Erin had left. Then, we picked a movie to watch. You see, for the past 3 or 4 weeks now, Cort and I have eaten lunch, picked out a movie, and watched it in his room. The 2nd week, if I recall correctly, I began to remininsce on things that were happening exactly one year ago- so at the end of October, beginning of November. I remembered... falling in love with Starbucks, keeping Cort company at Starbucks while he worked, which also made me remember how much Cort and I's friendship grew during those days one year ago, and then... we both came to it-- MOVIE MONDAYS!! Every Monday, a group of us would head over to Bryan Wentworth's wonderful abode and watch a movie after school, right around 5:30/6:00. We would also eat lots and lots, as Mrs. Wentworth was always so generous to cook us up something wonderful or even order us pizza. A couple of us would even bring our homework (mostly me, Sam, and Tim... haha). We watched the sweetest movies ever, usually seasonal ones now that I think of it! Such as... Jingle All The Way, The Santa Clause, and we even watched The Princess Bride as the first official "Movie Monday".
So... as it dawned on me and Cort, we decided that we have created "Movie Tuesday". of course, it will never replace Movie Monday... but, as we are both up here at Iowa State, and we both usually hang out on Tuesdays anyway... why not enjoy a movie and dub it something sweet like Movie Tuesday! exactly. Today we watched Narnia. Sheesh, I loooove that movie! Anyway, when it ended, Cort and I had a great conversation centered around the One thing we love most in life, our Lord Almighty! It is so exciting to sit down with a brother in Christ and talk about the Bible and our lives together, and to watch the other's growth as they walk with the Lord. It's amazing! Well, we got hungry and went to eat dinner at the udcc, as time had passed faster than we both expected I suppose. Afterwards, Cort left and I went upstairs to say hi to mr. Brian Scott. I ended up hanging out with him, Bret, Alex, Saul (sp?), and another kid named Eric for quite a long time as they ate a plethora of strawberry jello cake! It was a very fun time indeed!
Tonight, I studied and did homework in Brian's room, then did some in Jamie's room when Brian went to a meeting, then returned back to Brian's room. Brian asked me a question I had not been asked in quite sometime- "so what's your story? you know, your God story?"... uhh, you mean, my testimony?? "yeah, your God story!" So I ended up talking for what felt like a very long time, one-on-one with Brian, and told him my testimony. It was the most refreshing thing I've felt in a while! Not to mention, the whole time pretty much I was studying in there with him, we were listening to our favorite worship songs, and I was doing my daily devotional by reading through some chapters in Romans and writing prayers to God in my journal. Sometimes we were both just singing the words to "Holy Is The Lord" and "Blessed Be Your Name" and smiling big goofy smiles, because we were both so full of the Spirit. Oh man, it was incredible. And it was a great time for me to get to know Brian, especially now as he is dating my sis. The whole time was just blessed. And then, when it was time for me to come home and get to bed, we prayed together. :-)
I end with this-
An incredibly GOD-FILLED day!
After my two classes, Erin and I went to lunch. Cort joined, and we caught up with each other and stayed there talking long after Erin had left. Then, we picked a movie to watch. You see, for the past 3 or 4 weeks now, Cort and I have eaten lunch, picked out a movie, and watched it in his room. The 2nd week, if I recall correctly, I began to remininsce on things that were happening exactly one year ago- so at the end of October, beginning of November. I remembered... falling in love with Starbucks, keeping Cort company at Starbucks while he worked, which also made me remember how much Cort and I's friendship grew during those days one year ago, and then... we both came to it-- MOVIE MONDAYS!! Every Monday, a group of us would head over to Bryan Wentworth's wonderful abode and watch a movie after school, right around 5:30/6:00. We would also eat lots and lots, as Mrs. Wentworth was always so generous to cook us up something wonderful or even order us pizza. A couple of us would even bring our homework (mostly me, Sam, and Tim... haha). We watched the sweetest movies ever, usually seasonal ones now that I think of it! Such as... Jingle All The Way, The Santa Clause, and we even watched The Princess Bride as the first official "Movie Monday".
So... as it dawned on me and Cort, we decided that we have created "Movie Tuesday". of course, it will never replace Movie Monday... but, as we are both up here at Iowa State, and we both usually hang out on Tuesdays anyway... why not enjoy a movie and dub it something sweet like Movie Tuesday! exactly. Today we watched Narnia. Sheesh, I loooove that movie! Anyway, when it ended, Cort and I had a great conversation centered around the One thing we love most in life, our Lord Almighty! It is so exciting to sit down with a brother in Christ and talk about the Bible and our lives together, and to watch the other's growth as they walk with the Lord. It's amazing! Well, we got hungry and went to eat dinner at the udcc, as time had passed faster than we both expected I suppose. Afterwards, Cort left and I went upstairs to say hi to mr. Brian Scott. I ended up hanging out with him, Bret, Alex, Saul (sp?), and another kid named Eric for quite a long time as they ate a plethora of strawberry jello cake! It was a very fun time indeed!
Tonight, I studied and did homework in Brian's room, then did some in Jamie's room when Brian went to a meeting, then returned back to Brian's room. Brian asked me a question I had not been asked in quite sometime- "so what's your story? you know, your God story?"... uhh, you mean, my testimony?? "yeah, your God story!" So I ended up talking for what felt like a very long time, one-on-one with Brian, and told him my testimony. It was the most refreshing thing I've felt in a while! Not to mention, the whole time pretty much I was studying in there with him, we were listening to our favorite worship songs, and I was doing my daily devotional by reading through some chapters in Romans and writing prayers to God in my journal. Sometimes we were both just singing the words to "Holy Is The Lord" and "Blessed Be Your Name" and smiling big goofy smiles, because we were both so full of the Spirit. Oh man, it was incredible. And it was a great time for me to get to know Brian, especially now as he is dating my sis. The whole time was just blessed. And then, when it was time for me to come home and get to bed, we prayed together. :-)
I end with this-
"I cry holy, holy begotten Son of God
Ancient of Days...
we cry holy, holy begotten Son of God!"
Ancient of Days...
we cry holy, holy begotten Son of God!"
"Holy, holy is the Lord Almighty... Holy, HOLY!"
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Intramural CHAMPS!
(written Friday, November 10th, 2006):
I just had one of the greatest nights ever!
Erin, Jamie, Emily E., Maggie, Natalie K., and I played indoor soccer tonight at the lied rec center and beat all our opponents to become..... THE 2006 INTRAMURAL INDOOR SOCCER CHAMPS!!!!!! we get to go pick up our SWEET intramural shirts sometime next week... i'm wayyy excited!
Jamie was the most amazing goalie ever and stopped the other team's goal from going in during a sudden death shoot out, Erin hussled her butt off (even scored herself a little injury on her knee!), Natalie ran faster than ive ever seen anyone run and defended our precious goal, Emily Eggleston was a defending MACHINE all night, Maggie played with such intensity never missing a chance to win the ball, and I... scored all of our goals :-)...I guess in the second game, I had what you call a hat trick, haha. It was the best team effort I think I've ever been apart of, I love those girls SOOOO much... and wow, there's nothing I love more than soccer... ok besides God but you should already know that haha. so, pretty much, it was a DYNAMITE night!!! oh, AND, two wonderful boys stayed the entire time from 7:30 to 11 and watched all of our games and helped coach us-- mr. Brian Scott and mr. Aidan Rinehart. Two of the bestttt boys i know!
I twisted my knee in the second half of the second game, it hurts a LOT. i dont know, it's messed up a little... ummm, i basically have not even one ounce of energy left in my body, my feet are in pain and feel like theyre on fire.... but i dont care! i had more fun tonight than ive ever had here in Ames with my college friends. :-) oh, and, the "refs"- two of the guys from the boys club soccer team, were super cute and we even got a pic with them at the end of the night. they were cuuuuute.
Other than that, I would just like to end this exciting little blog with one more thing... God is SO great, it amazes me how much strength I have every day because of Him. It's all because of Him. my wonderful Savior. :-)
love you all, i'm about to COLLAPSE. goodnight :-)
Some pictures:
1. after we won the semi-round.
2. after becoming the 2006 indoor soccer champssss, with our beautiful refs :-)

I just had one of the greatest nights ever!
Erin, Jamie, Emily E., Maggie, Natalie K., and I played indoor soccer tonight at the lied rec center and beat all our opponents to become..... THE 2006 INTRAMURAL INDOOR SOCCER CHAMPS!!!!!! we get to go pick up our SWEET intramural shirts sometime next week... i'm wayyy excited!
Jamie was the most amazing goalie ever and stopped the other team's goal from going in during a sudden death shoot out, Erin hussled her butt off (even scored herself a little injury on her knee!), Natalie ran faster than ive ever seen anyone run and defended our precious goal, Emily Eggleston was a defending MACHINE all night, Maggie played with such intensity never missing a chance to win the ball, and I... scored all of our goals :-)...I guess in the second game, I had what you call a hat trick, haha. It was the best team effort I think I've ever been apart of, I love those girls SOOOO much... and wow, there's nothing I love more than soccer... ok besides God but you should already know that haha. so, pretty much, it was a DYNAMITE night!!! oh, AND, two wonderful boys stayed the entire time from 7:30 to 11 and watched all of our games and helped coach us-- mr. Brian Scott and mr. Aidan Rinehart. Two of the bestttt boys i know!
I twisted my knee in the second half of the second game, it hurts a LOT. i dont know, it's messed up a little... ummm, i basically have not even one ounce of energy left in my body, my feet are in pain and feel like theyre on fire.... but i dont care! i had more fun tonight than ive ever had here in Ames with my college friends. :-) oh, and, the "refs"- two of the guys from the boys club soccer team, were super cute and we even got a pic with them at the end of the night. they were cuuuuute.
Other than that, I would just like to end this exciting little blog with one more thing... God is SO great, it amazes me how much strength I have every day because of Him. It's all because of Him. my wonderful Savior. :-)
love you all, i'm about to COLLAPSE. goodnight :-)
Some pictures:
1. after we won the semi-round.
2. after becoming the 2006 indoor soccer champssss, with our beautiful refs :-)

Thursday, November 09, 2006
Beautiful Days
Despite the fact that two or three days in a row now, I have awoken early in the morning (before my alarm is even set to go off), with a burning fever that makes me nauseous and has caused me to throw up 3 times...... I'm having a pretty sweet week. haha. That sounds really bad, and... I guess it is, yeah. It is. BUT. I'm having a good week otherwise...
Tuesday I had lunch with Erin, Jamie and Cort which is something I always look forward to. Afterwards, Cort came up to my room and we picked out a movie, then walked back to Birch to watch it in his room. Haha- we watched Harry Potter 4. We also talked a lot about stuff and that was good. That evening, I returned to my room with a pleasant surprise there- Austin! So Catherine and I hung out with him for about an hour before meeting Erin and Jamie for din din, it was a fun din din 'cause I love those kids, especially Austin whom I do not get to see a ton :-).
Wednesday was great because...
1. Caely and her parents were up here on an official isu visit, so they came up to my room and hung out for a little bit. Caely just makes me smile, she's a wonderful girl. If she does come to isu, I will just rejoice.
2. I had lunch with Brandon Gill!!!! and Erin, Jamie, Alex F., and my Helser neighbor Erin D. I hadn't seen Brandon in FOREV, so it was exciting to eat with him.
4. I laid/sat on a blanket out on central campus from 1:45 until 3:30... writing, drawing/doodling, reading my Bible (i read through parts of Matthew!), listening to music, and just laying out under the warm sun! Being outside made me soo happy!!
5. My Hixson recitation leader, Jesse, was walking around with some other leaders and the head of the Hixson program, Debra, for their leader's class i guess, and so i yelled and said 'hey', and... he came over... and we talked for like 20 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!! did i mention ive had a crush on this guy since, like, the first day of class!?!? haha it was the first time we had talked outside of the classroom... and it was amazing, the conversation flowed so nicely :-) heh. we talked about a ton of stuff. it was FAN-TAS-TIC.
6. Erin and Brian joined me at my spot on central campus, and climbed the tree which I was sitting next to (I named it Huckabee!), then at 3:30 we started kicking the soccer ball around... then! a ton of people showed up to play soccer with us! so we started a game around 4... Brandon Gill, Nick (well he left early, but he did come!), Erin, Brian, Aidan (guy on my bro floor in helser), John, this guy I nicknamed Crazy Feet, Glen (also from helser), Alex, my friend Kim from Club Soccer, and Immanuel... i think i named everyone. yeah. it was SWEET! we played until like 5:30! it was amazing. Then we ate dinner. yay. then i showered. it felt great.
ok yes, so Wednesday was great because of all those things.
Tuesday and Wednesdays seem to always end up being great days for me. I like that. I like being able to look forward to Tuesdays and Wednesdays every week! Keeps me going even when I feel like crapppp.. which, i definitely have this week. yep.
I am at Santa Fe right now, it's kind of a regular Thursday-night thing for me now.. haha. I love it. But yes, i need to finish my english 105 assignment now. I was dreading it, but now it's not so bad because i changed my topic kind of, and i'm REALLY passionate about it... so that makes it a lot easier for me to write about. My topic is now on Generation Y (my generation) and Politics, like voting trends and views on political parties, the differences of our generation compared to previous generations (Gen. X, Baby Boom Gen., the Silent Gen., and GI Gen.). It's pretty freaking awesome and interesting! so... byeeee. <3
Tuesday I had lunch with Erin, Jamie and Cort which is something I always look forward to. Afterwards, Cort came up to my room and we picked out a movie, then walked back to Birch to watch it in his room. Haha- we watched Harry Potter 4. We also talked a lot about stuff and that was good. That evening, I returned to my room with a pleasant surprise there- Austin! So Catherine and I hung out with him for about an hour before meeting Erin and Jamie for din din, it was a fun din din 'cause I love those kids, especially Austin whom I do not get to see a ton :-).
Wednesday was great because...
1. Caely and her parents were up here on an official isu visit, so they came up to my room and hung out for a little bit. Caely just makes me smile, she's a wonderful girl. If she does come to isu, I will just rejoice.
2. I had lunch with Brandon Gill!!!! and Erin, Jamie, Alex F., and my Helser neighbor Erin D. I hadn't seen Brandon in FOREV, so it was exciting to eat with him.
4. I laid/sat on a blanket out on central campus from 1:45 until 3:30... writing, drawing/doodling, reading my Bible (i read through parts of Matthew!), listening to music, and just laying out under the warm sun! Being outside made me soo happy!!
5. My Hixson recitation leader, Jesse, was walking around with some other leaders and the head of the Hixson program, Debra, for their leader's class i guess, and so i yelled and said 'hey', and... he came over... and we talked for like 20 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!! did i mention ive had a crush on this guy since, like, the first day of class!?!? haha it was the first time we had talked outside of the classroom... and it was amazing, the conversation flowed so nicely :-) heh. we talked about a ton of stuff. it was FAN-TAS-TIC.
6. Erin and Brian joined me at my spot on central campus, and climbed the tree which I was sitting next to (I named it Huckabee!), then at 3:30 we started kicking the soccer ball around... then! a ton of people showed up to play soccer with us! so we started a game around 4... Brandon Gill, Nick (well he left early, but he did come!), Erin, Brian, Aidan (guy on my bro floor in helser), John, this guy I nicknamed Crazy Feet, Glen (also from helser), Alex, my friend Kim from Club Soccer, and Immanuel... i think i named everyone. yeah. it was SWEET! we played until like 5:30! it was amazing. Then we ate dinner. yay. then i showered. it felt great.
ok yes, so Wednesday was great because of all those things.
Tuesday and Wednesdays seem to always end up being great days for me. I like that. I like being able to look forward to Tuesdays and Wednesdays every week! Keeps me going even when I feel like crapppp.. which, i definitely have this week. yep.
I am at Santa Fe right now, it's kind of a regular Thursday-night thing for me now.. haha. I love it. But yes, i need to finish my english 105 assignment now. I was dreading it, but now it's not so bad because i changed my topic kind of, and i'm REALLY passionate about it... so that makes it a lot easier for me to write about. My topic is now on Generation Y (my generation) and Politics, like voting trends and views on political parties, the differences of our generation compared to previous generations (Gen. X, Baby Boom Gen., the Silent Gen., and GI Gen.). It's pretty freaking awesome and interesting! so... byeeee. <3
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
a professional napper's thoughts...
and here are words of comfort.
"You are so good to me
You heal my broken heart
You are my Father in Heaven...
You ride upon the clouds
You lead me to the truth
You are the Spirit inside me...
You poured out all Your blood
You died up on the cross
this is my prayer:
"give me one pure and holy passion
give me one magnificent obsession
give me one glorious ambition for my life-
to know and follow hard after You...
to know and follow hard after You
to grow as Your disciple in the TRUTH,
this world is empty, pale, and poor
compared to knowing You my Lord...
and i will RUN AFTER YOU
lead me on and i will run after You."
this is what's on my mind right now:
"My soul yearns and even faints, for the courts of the LORD; my heart and flesh cry out for the Living God." --Psalms 84:2
A funny story from Belize, summer 2005 missions trip w/ valley church-- (documented in the unofficial yet official Belize notebook):
"Bryan stepped on the kitten, which made the kitten ferociously mad so it hissed evilly at him. Bryan then apoligized to the kitten."
another [short] story:
"there is a gecko who lives on the wall above me and Sam's bed, and also in the window right by our bed. He lovingly calls out to us every night (oh how lovely the noise is), so we have decided he is our pet. And his name is Lloyd."
a famous quote:
"I would seriously pay for anti-heat rash....." --Cort Brown.
And to end this amazing blog, the relationship of Caely and Natalie in its true form:
Natalie: "Frizzball!"
Caely: "well at least my face doesnt look like a pepperoni pizza!"
-----------------------------the end--------------------------------
oh and dont worry... i only napped 3 hours today. not 5. pretty good, eh!?
"You are so good to me
You heal my broken heart
You are my Father in Heaven...
You ride upon the clouds
You lead me to the truth
You are the Spirit inside me...
You poured out all Your blood
You died up on the cross
this is my prayer:
"give me one pure and holy passion
give me one magnificent obsession
give me one glorious ambition for my life-
to know and follow hard after You...
to know and follow hard after You
to grow as Your disciple in the TRUTH,
this world is empty, pale, and poor
compared to knowing You my Lord...
and i will RUN AFTER YOU
lead me on and i will run after You."
this is what's on my mind right now:
"My soul yearns and even faints, for the courts of the LORD; my heart and flesh cry out for the Living God." --Psalms 84:2
A funny story from Belize, summer 2005 missions trip w/ valley church-- (documented in the unofficial yet official Belize notebook):
"Bryan stepped on the kitten, which made the kitten ferociously mad so it hissed evilly at him. Bryan then apoligized to the kitten."
another [short] story:
"there is a gecko who lives on the wall above me and Sam's bed, and also in the window right by our bed. He lovingly calls out to us every night (oh how lovely the noise is), so we have decided he is our pet. And his name is Lloyd."
a famous quote:
"I would seriously pay for anti-heat rash....." --Cort Brown.
And to end this amazing blog, the relationship of Caely and Natalie in its true form:
Natalie: "Frizzball!"
Caely: "well at least my face doesnt look like a pepperoni pizza!"
-----------------------------the end--------------------------------
oh and dont worry... i only napped 3 hours today. not 5. pretty good, eh!?
Monday, November 06, 2006
So I am sitting here, in my newly moved around room (as of yesterday). Does change ever just make you feel good? Just by having my room moved around and all the furniture and the set-up of everything... it just makes me feel good having it change. :-)
I don't really feel well today. It's not like I would say... I feel... "sick"... it's more like, I just feel weak. I don't know. After my Journalism & Mass Communication 101 midterm (the second), I zipped back here and slept..................... for five hours. Apparantly it's an amazing feat, to nap for 5 hours, from noon until 5 pm. but, for me, it seemed completely... not amazing. It felt just like a normal hour, or hour and a half nap. After that, you'd think I would feel incredibly well-rested, but I actually have felt crappy all night since then. It was super hard to get up and walk across campus to my 9 oclock english 105 class, but i pushed myself. When i had breakfast in my room, all the sudden my gag reflux thing went off and I just threw up my entire breakfast, which contained a piece of lemon poppyseed bread and a cinnamon poptart, my normal breakfast. Gross, huh? Well it didn't make me feel especially cheerful to start my day I can tell you that... yuck.
I didn't even eat lunch, I just slept alllllll afternoon, for freaking five hours. After dinner, I put in Harry Potter 3 and watched that while doing my Pol. S. 251 notes and JLMC 101 notes as well. I made some tea, tried to relax. One thing I have learned is when I feel like stress is coming on, when I can tell, the best thing to do is help myself relax the best way I can. My stomach still felt queasy (did I spell that correctly?) though. I also watched some episodes of season 2 Laguna Beach, mostly because I felt super weak and my head hurt and I had no motivation in my body to go anywhere or do anything. So i spent my evening pretty much on my futon... wait, AND my afternoon. sweet. i feel really good about that. lol, NOT!
I dont know if there's something WRONG with me or what... but, I just don't want to sleep 5 hours again tomorrow. and it didnt even phase my body clock, like I'm still exhausted right now, with it being 12 a.m.... this is kind of my usual bedtime that i prefer, so, yeah.. i dont know... im super tired, like i said my body just feels weak. like i cant DO anything. im trying not to get down on myself about it, i tend to do that when i physically dont feel well, so, yeah im trying to stay cheerful. i think i'm gonna go read my Bible and then climb up into my bed and sleep the night away.
after I enjoy some tasty teddy grahams.
I don't really feel well today. It's not like I would say... I feel... "sick"... it's more like, I just feel weak. I don't know. After my Journalism & Mass Communication 101 midterm (the second), I zipped back here and slept..................... for five hours. Apparantly it's an amazing feat, to nap for 5 hours, from noon until 5 pm. but, for me, it seemed completely... not amazing. It felt just like a normal hour, or hour and a half nap. After that, you'd think I would feel incredibly well-rested, but I actually have felt crappy all night since then. It was super hard to get up and walk across campus to my 9 oclock english 105 class, but i pushed myself. When i had breakfast in my room, all the sudden my gag reflux thing went off and I just threw up my entire breakfast, which contained a piece of lemon poppyseed bread and a cinnamon poptart, my normal breakfast. Gross, huh? Well it didn't make me feel especially cheerful to start my day I can tell you that... yuck.
I didn't even eat lunch, I just slept alllllll afternoon, for freaking five hours. After dinner, I put in Harry Potter 3 and watched that while doing my Pol. S. 251 notes and JLMC 101 notes as well. I made some tea, tried to relax. One thing I have learned is when I feel like stress is coming on, when I can tell, the best thing to do is help myself relax the best way I can. My stomach still felt queasy (did I spell that correctly?) though. I also watched some episodes of season 2 Laguna Beach, mostly because I felt super weak and my head hurt and I had no motivation in my body to go anywhere or do anything. So i spent my evening pretty much on my futon... wait, AND my afternoon. sweet. i feel really good about that. lol, NOT!
I dont know if there's something WRONG with me or what... but, I just don't want to sleep 5 hours again tomorrow. and it didnt even phase my body clock, like I'm still exhausted right now, with it being 12 a.m.... this is kind of my usual bedtime that i prefer, so, yeah.. i dont know... im super tired, like i said my body just feels weak. like i cant DO anything. im trying not to get down on myself about it, i tend to do that when i physically dont feel well, so, yeah im trying to stay cheerful. i think i'm gonna go read my Bible and then climb up into my bed and sleep the night away.
after I enjoy some tasty teddy grahams.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Santa Fe, mmm.
Yesterday was a good day.
Cort and I had lunch together, and Catherine joined us a little later. I finished my online geology homework in my room afterwards, briefly talked to Erin on the phone, then walked over to Birch. I hung out with Cort most of the afternoon. I worked a little on my library homework, then Cort had this brownie thing w/ hot fudge and we cooked it and i had half and he had the other... it was one amazing brownie, even though it was mostly just a glob of barely-hardened chocolate. haha. whatever, i enjoyed it! chocolate is just amazing like that. Then we had a really good talk for, i dont know, like 45 minutes or so, and it was wonderful. It is always wonderful to connect with a brother on a deep spiritual level, Cort has always been a great encouragement to me in my walk with Christ. well, JR walked in, so we popped in Batman Begins. what a grrreat movie! i had seen it 2 or 3 times before, but i had never seen the ending, haha. soo i finally watched it all the way through, and it was fantastic! Then i met Erin at the udcc for dinner. Lots of people working at the udcc were dressed in sweet halloween costumes, and just people in general that were there eating, haha it was kinda fun seeing people get into halloween like that. They also handed out candy when they swiped our cards... soo... hey, candy is ALWAYS good in my book!
Later on, I walked over to Sante Fe, the coffee shop along Lincoln Way, to do homework/study. I can't really drive to Barnes & Noble like I used to ALL the TIME last year, haha, so i'm finding that Santa Fe is a nice substitute. I got all my library 160 work done and out of the way, since I'm doing the accelerated option my assignments are all due tomorrow when i take the final exam and am done w/ library foreverrrr! woo hoo. I started studying for my Pol. S. 251 exam, which is also tomorrow, but got sidetracked and ended up talking to my lovely friend Kayla online for a pretty long time! turns out, Kayla is in need of some quality friend time and is quite lonely over at Elmhurst. Her and Mitch are driving home this weekend, and so I decided I will do the same so I can spend some time with them. I know what it feels like to not be happy where you're at and how desperately you just need to be around people who love you and support you... so I want to be there for her.
I know I go home almost every weekend, but, honestly, I don't care what people have to say about that. If I want to go home almost every weekend, so what? I love being here in Ames during the week and when I'm going to classes, but when I dont have anything going on here, and I have the opportunity to go home to West Des Moines and spend time with my family and friends there, I'm gonna go back, no questions asked. My friends back home are pretty much family to me anyway, and they're the kind of friends I plan on having for the rest of my life, so I dont think there's anything wrong with it.
I enjoyed a grande almond latte while I relaxed and worked at Santa Fe. I actually didnt even plan it, but I studied my Bible for a good 45 minutes while I was there. Right now I am in the Word basically every day. I really dont usually do this, but I am finding that depending on God is the most important thing in the whole world, and the only way I can depend on Him fully is to read my Bible literally every single day. I love it! I went home right about at 10 pm, then i finished up some things and cleaned my room a little, and laid around watching 1st and 2nd season episodes of Laguna Beach.... it was fabulous. :-) I had chips and salsa, and some cheetos duhhhh. I couldnt sleep again though, bummer! so I didnt fall asleep i think until 1:30 or something... i dont know, it sucked. :-(
but anyway, Tuesday was a good day!
Today, I plan on having some God time, going to my Painter's Anonymous club meeting, studying for my Pol. S. 251 test HARDCORE, and watching the new season 3 episode of Laguna Beach (of course). Sounds goooood to me! oh and tonight is sister-dinner night with miss Erin, so cant wait. That's the low-down of yesterday and today so far. Love you all! :-)
Cort and I had lunch together, and Catherine joined us a little later. I finished my online geology homework in my room afterwards, briefly talked to Erin on the phone, then walked over to Birch. I hung out with Cort most of the afternoon. I worked a little on my library homework, then Cort had this brownie thing w/ hot fudge and we cooked it and i had half and he had the other... it was one amazing brownie, even though it was mostly just a glob of barely-hardened chocolate. haha. whatever, i enjoyed it! chocolate is just amazing like that. Then we had a really good talk for, i dont know, like 45 minutes or so, and it was wonderful. It is always wonderful to connect with a brother on a deep spiritual level, Cort has always been a great encouragement to me in my walk with Christ. well, JR walked in, so we popped in Batman Begins. what a grrreat movie! i had seen it 2 or 3 times before, but i had never seen the ending, haha. soo i finally watched it all the way through, and it was fantastic! Then i met Erin at the udcc for dinner. Lots of people working at the udcc were dressed in sweet halloween costumes, and just people in general that were there eating, haha it was kinda fun seeing people get into halloween like that. They also handed out candy when they swiped our cards... soo... hey, candy is ALWAYS good in my book!
Later on, I walked over to Sante Fe, the coffee shop along Lincoln Way, to do homework/study. I can't really drive to Barnes & Noble like I used to ALL the TIME last year, haha, so i'm finding that Santa Fe is a nice substitute. I got all my library 160 work done and out of the way, since I'm doing the accelerated option my assignments are all due tomorrow when i take the final exam and am done w/ library foreverrrr! woo hoo. I started studying for my Pol. S. 251 exam, which is also tomorrow, but got sidetracked and ended up talking to my lovely friend Kayla online for a pretty long time! turns out, Kayla is in need of some quality friend time and is quite lonely over at Elmhurst. Her and Mitch are driving home this weekend, and so I decided I will do the same so I can spend some time with them. I know what it feels like to not be happy where you're at and how desperately you just need to be around people who love you and support you... so I want to be there for her.
I know I go home almost every weekend, but, honestly, I don't care what people have to say about that. If I want to go home almost every weekend, so what? I love being here in Ames during the week and when I'm going to classes, but when I dont have anything going on here, and I have the opportunity to go home to West Des Moines and spend time with my family and friends there, I'm gonna go back, no questions asked. My friends back home are pretty much family to me anyway, and they're the kind of friends I plan on having for the rest of my life, so I dont think there's anything wrong with it.
I enjoyed a grande almond latte while I relaxed and worked at Santa Fe. I actually didnt even plan it, but I studied my Bible for a good 45 minutes while I was there. Right now I am in the Word basically every day. I really dont usually do this, but I am finding that depending on God is the most important thing in the whole world, and the only way I can depend on Him fully is to read my Bible literally every single day. I love it! I went home right about at 10 pm, then i finished up some things and cleaned my room a little, and laid around watching 1st and 2nd season episodes of Laguna Beach.... it was fabulous. :-) I had chips and salsa, and some cheetos duhhhh. I couldnt sleep again though, bummer! so I didnt fall asleep i think until 1:30 or something... i dont know, it sucked. :-(
but anyway, Tuesday was a good day!
Today, I plan on having some God time, going to my Painter's Anonymous club meeting, studying for my Pol. S. 251 test HARDCORE, and watching the new season 3 episode of Laguna Beach (of course). Sounds goooood to me! oh and tonight is sister-dinner night with miss Erin, so cant wait. That's the low-down of yesterday and today so far. Love you all! :-)
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