I just had one of the greatest nights ever!
Erin, Jamie, Emily E., Maggie, Natalie K., and I played indoor soccer tonight at the lied rec center and beat all our opponents to become..... THE 2006 INTRAMURAL INDOOR SOCCER CHAMPS!!!!!! we get to go pick up our SWEET intramural shirts sometime next week... i'm wayyy excited!
Jamie was the most amazing goalie ever and stopped the other team's goal from going in during a sudden death shoot out, Erin hussled her butt off (even scored herself a little injury on her knee!), Natalie ran faster than ive ever seen anyone run and defended our precious goal, Emily Eggleston was a defending MACHINE all night, Maggie played with such intensity never missing a chance to win the ball, and I... scored all of our goals :-)...I guess in the second game, I had what you call a hat trick, haha. It was the best team effort I think I've ever been apart of, I love those girls SOOOO much... and wow, there's nothing I love more than soccer... ok besides God but you should already know that haha. so, pretty much, it was a DYNAMITE night!!! oh, AND, two wonderful boys stayed the entire time from 7:30 to 11 and watched all of our games and helped coach us-- mr. Brian Scott and mr. Aidan Rinehart. Two of the bestttt boys i know!
I twisted my knee in the second half of the second game, it hurts a LOT. i dont know, it's messed up a little... ummm, i basically have not even one ounce of energy left in my body, my feet are in pain and feel like theyre on fire.... but i dont care! i had more fun tonight than ive ever had here in Ames with my college friends. :-) oh, and, the "refs"- two of the guys from the boys club soccer team, were super cute and we even got a pic with them at the end of the night. they were cuuuuute.
Other than that, I would just like to end this exciting little blog with one more thing... God is SO great, it amazes me how much strength I have every day because of Him. It's all because of Him. my wonderful Savior. :-)
love you all, i'm about to COLLAPSE. goodnight :-)
Some pictures:
1. after we won the semi-round.
2. after becoming the 2006 indoor soccer champssss, with our beautiful refs :-)

1 comment:
that's so exciting!! congrats!
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