Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Friendship is beautiful.

tuesday lunch bunch met today. as usual, it was lovely. then cort and i walked back to birch in the beautiful, mild weather, talking about life. duh, what else. i pretty much can't explain how much that kid means to me and how much our friendship has impacted my life. he's one of those friends that you feel like you've known your entire life, even if it's only been a few years. we rented the movie Good Will Hunting, and watched it in his room with Andy and JR. Andy left mid-way through, and Foster arrived a little bit afterwards to join us. When the movie was over, the four of us walked over to Maple-Willow-Larch to get junk food at the C-store. haha. my goodness, the weather was stunningly beautiful! the sun was shining brighter than before, and as we walked i just took in the fresh air that wasn't bitter cold and miserable- like it probably will be tomorrow walking to class! we stocked up on food and drinks, then went back to Cort and JR's room. Cort went down to work on something in the computer lab, so i watched Alex and JR play super mario. Later, JR left, so it was just me and Alex for a little bit. Fos was in such a good mood today, I was very happy to spend some time with him. He seemed to be acting the way he used to when we hung out like every day in the summer of '05. Cort returned and then him and I were alone for a little while because Fos ran back to his frat house to get more food/drinks and a movie! When he got back, we started watching the movie Green Street Hooligans... i think.. yeah i think thats the right title. haha. it has Elijah Wood in it!!!!!!!!! YAY! I was excited!!! but I only got to watch like... 20 mins or so of it, because my momma arrived outside Birch!

yep... she had to make a trip because I (being the incredibly smart woman that I am), left BOTH of my winter coats in the closet back home... yup. So she gave them to me, I got to see my dog Paddy for a few minutes and talk to my mom, as she gave me a ride to the udcc. I met Jamie and Catherine for din din. Then, some friendly faces walked in and ended up sitting at the table right next to us! Brian (erin's boyyyfriend), Brett, and Alex (not Foster) ! Jamie and I ended up staying extra long to talk to them... funny things were said, lets just say that. lots of cracking up was done! haha. Jamie left, then Brian walked me up to my room just to be nice. We ended up getting in a deep discussion on some issues, like about Bible studies and things in Scripture about community...then that turned into being safe and comfortable, needing to step out of that comfort zone...what i want to do, what he wants to do later on in life...it was intense! So... it turned into me and Bro sitting in the hallway down by the Helser 4th floor den and talking for quite a long time. It was a great talk. At the end, Brian just started praying, so we prayed right there as we sat in the hallway. It was really cool. He is a great encourager!

I actually did homework tonight. I also watched the new episode of Gilmore Girls, and That 70s Show after I took my shower.

Sigh. I should go to bed.

Hey, you know what? God is in control, my friends. and He is worthy of our praise, at all times. <3 so with that I bid you goodnight!

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