My mom came down this morning before she left for church and gently told me she had breakfast waiting for me upstairs- eggs, bacon, strawberries, and hot tea. my favorite breakfast ever pretty much. And she told me she loved me. It was the best thing to wake up to. She's been hard to get along with lately because of things with my dad, but when she is like how she was this morning, I just adore her. I love her anyway, because she's my mom and everything, but I love it when she does things like that.
Working was pretty fun today. I opened for the first time all by my lonesome self and it was really lonely until 1 pm when Tim Getting came in. I had always known who he is because of his girlfriend Lauren who I went to church with growing up, but I had never really talked to him before. He's a great guy! Really funny and has that dry humor that I really find amusing in people. He's also an amazing ice-shaver and super bad at pouring flavors in the sno-cones, so that worked out well because ice-shaving is not my favorite thing. We made a good team! We switched off putting our music in the cd player and talked about tons of stuff like music, shows, UNI and ISU, football, writing, and things like that. He's an easy kid to talk to, which made work go a lot faster and made it super enjoyable too. Kayla called me right around 5:30 and asked if I wanted to go to the college ministry "Intermission" with her at Westchester E-free, so when I got off at 6 I met her there. There weren't a ton of people I knew that I thought would be there, so it was kind of disappointing, and it was just weird for me because I haven't been a regular church-attender lately. It makes me feel guilty and like I'm some kind of bad person or something. That's just how I feel. The message was amazing though, given by Dave Edwards. It was seriously an awesome talk, he had great energy and gave the message in a way that didn't make me mad or skeptical, which is how I've been lately with a lot of "God stuff"-- I'm just kind of going through a time where my faith isn't exactly as strong as it once was.... so I'm questioning a lot and I still believe everything, I'm just not at the top of my game, if that makes any sense. It's a hard time for me right now concerning God and hope and faith.
Anyway, I was glad I went. Bry, Kayla and I then met up with Foster, JR, Rob, Austin, and Logan. We rode around in Rob's pick-up truck, haha, and we actually sat in the truck bed the whole time... it was freaking awesome driving down Hickman to Dairy Queen with the wind blowing our hair back and JR and Foster yelling at every car we passed like crazy lunatics. hahahaha. We had so much fun. After Dairy Queen, we went to the park by Bry's house and hung out there. Kayla and I swung and got to talk about some stuffffff.... thennn Rob took us all back to our cars at Bry's house and we pretty much all went home because of early-morning jobs and what not. I mentioned it to Kayla, haha, that it's weird how we stayed out way later during the school year when we all had class and stuff the next day, but now that it's summer you'd think we'd stay out even later- but we've actually been going home and sleeping earlier, because we all have jobs and other stuff that we have to wake up early for. I dont know, it's just kind of weird to think about.
Anyway....... I open again tomorrow, soo I'm gonna go to bed. HOPEFULLY I can actually fall asleep. that'd be wonderful! oh and guess what? AUBREY comes home tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!! :) and I work with Kayla, woooo!!

1 comment:
That was the best roadtrip everrrrrr. hurray for minnesota for new year's eveeeee! haha
Not to mention the mall of america too! we really gotta do it again.
for reallllll. :)
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