So many things to write about! So many!
I've been back in Ames for almost a week now, and today was the official first day of classes. Being a sophomore is different than being a freshman (imagine that). The second time around is different. And it's good, because I have some knowledge that helps me in adjusting back to the school routine and living here on my own once again. But I'm still feeling a little overwhelmed, just like last year. It's still a change. It's still an adjustment period. And this time I'm in my own room without a roommate, so I really am by myself, and this time my sister isn't living in the dorms with me, she's in her own apartment. It's just different. This time I have a boyfriend, and that's just a whole different category in and of itself, which I could discuss in length how good of an influence it is in my life right now.... but anyway, college.
I only had two classes today. Usually I will have 3 on Mondays, but I didn't have my Astronomy 120 recitation this week. Instead, I just had Psych 280- Social Psychology, and Poli Sci 319- Law & Politics. I have Psych with my friend Ben, which is very exciting, and I have a good feeling about the class overall. I think it will be very challenging though. I had an awesome lunch with Nick, Charles, Eric, Brian Smith, and his roommate, and 2 girls I met from Nick. We just laughed a lot and it was a nice break in my day from the heat and the humidity, and walking and sweating, and focusing on syllabuses. I can definitely say my Law and Politics class is going to be absolutely AMAZING. I could not be more excited to start learning about and reading the court cases and talking about them. My professor is this old, frail-looking woman with gray hair and a broken arm... but she is a freakin TOUGH cookie...umm, she's just very strong in her speech. She is very articulate and easy to listen to, even though what she says is very harsh and honest and intelligent. She had a nice schpiel (sp anyone?) on how none of us should give the slightest care as to what her politics are and whether she's liberal, conservative, whatever, that it doesn't matter and she plans it so that at the end of the semester we still will have no idea what her personal opinions are. I liked that. I hate when professors push their beliefs on their students just because they are in a position of authority. So anyway, I am WAY beyond excited for this class. And way scared, haha... it's gonna be my hardest class I think. I'll do my best, and that's all I can do!
Oh my gosh, Aubs and I had some time together tonight that I needed for SURE. It was so great being with her. I just needed my best friend. :)
THere's an awesome storm going on outside.
This is my focus right now:
"There are many plans in a man's heart, nevertheless the LORD'S counsel-- that will stand." -Proverbs 19:21
In my next post, I'll write more about what God's doing in my life and my thoughts on this past Sunday morning's sermon at Cornerstone Church (which was absolutely incredible!). Just incredible.
ok love you bye! <3
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