I don't care what anyone else says, I will always love certain reality tv shows. I don't like them all.... heck, there are so many now it's impossible to even know what they are all about even. I think the Real World is freakin' hilarious and downright entertaining. Watching other people's drama makes me laugh. Of course it's ridiculous, of course it's totally edited to come off as a much bigger deal than things really are, but it's t.v.! it's supposed to be entertaining. So of course I'm going to turn on I Love New York and watch it.... it's highly amusing because it's so dang dramatized and ridiculous. Yes I love Laguna Beach and The Hills... I've pretty much spent all of my high school years plus one year of college watching those girls on tv, so it's kind of like growing up with them haha, which is super lame! But of course I'm going to keep watching those shows! if you want to watch something intelligent and meaningful, you know, things with purpose, watch the history channel or the discovery channel (two channels I also really like, in case you didn't know). But if reality tv, or most of mtv and vh1, bothers you...... I say don't get so annoyed, I say just whatever man... everybody has their way of escaping. Everybody has a way they stay sane, and relax, and just stop thinking about their own issues and problems going on..... reality tv is definitely a way I do those things.
I don't think YouTube is all it's cracked up to be. Sure, there are some incredibly hysterical videos out there, and SWEET sports cuts from some amazing games (like Detroit Pistons shooting from past the half-court line and making it right when the buzzer ended the tie-game and winning it... amazing), but I will never get over the fact that watching t.v. is something that should be done while sitting on a couch or futon or bed, and should be done watching an actual television set.... I just won't ever change my ways. It's just not going to happen.
If someone is going to complain about a church making a "performance" out of a worship service because of it's production style, music style, lights, etc.... then fine, complain all you want. But you know what I think? I think the people who make that "performance" possible spend a lot of their time and energy to make our worship experience as awesome as it can be. I honestly don't think the people singing on stage and playing the instruments are up there because they don't love Jesus and don't want to have a meaningful worship experience for our Father. I mean, unless you know the person... you don't have an absolute way of knowing, but I'm PRETTY sure we can all come to the conclusion that people who lead other people in worship are also worshipping in their leading... so maybe the way they do it comes off too production-ish and too stage-like, but, honestly who cares? As long as we're singing to our God and enjoying fellowship with one another.... I don't see why it's a big deal. I have definitely heard a lot of critiques about my church, Valley Church, saying that the service has become too much of a production and what not. But this is what I say to you who think that.... do we have a people leading us in worship that is centered on worshipping our Father in heaven? Do we have a pastor who tries to get all sorts of people with all sorts of learning styles (visual, verbal, etc) to be engaged in what he is teaching us about? With that, do we have a pastor who teaches from THE WORD and delivers a message on how you might possibly go about applying it to your own life? Then what is the problem? I think that's all that matters. I am a little biased maybe, because I am completely and 100% loyal to Valley Church, but bias or no bias- that church is a body of believers in our Lord and they all have a heart and a passion to lead us in worship and help us learn about the Bible so that we can grow in our relationship with Christ.
I think everyone should be required to work out at least once or twice a week. Everyone. Everyone in the whole wide world (who has work-out facilities available i suppose). I think it does wonders for the human body and for your health and general well-being. You always hear about how obesity is taking over America and what not, and all these diet videos and strategies and books...... I think there is nothing better than just going to a gym and working out. All body shapes and sizes should do this. I just think a regular, consistent work-out for your body is vital and crucial to well-being, and that of course affects your happiness and other things in your life. It makes you feel good. You don't have to be an athlete to work out. You don't have to be super skinny to work out. You don't have to be incredibly obese to work out. Everyone can do it, everyone can spend a little time every week just being good to their body. I definitely stand by that.
ok that's enough of sharing my opinions. Gilmore Girls is on! :)
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