Wednesday, September 19, 2007

"they taped over your mouth, scribbled out the truth with their lies"

Oh goodness. I could not be more stressed than I already am.

the truth is, I feel like a prisoner. I'm chained to all these obligations that come from my responsibilities and my duties, and I know they have to be done, but they are just consuming my free-spirit, happy little self. Honestly. It's sad.

I thought last year was tough, being a freshman and all. Ha. Sophomore year is even better...... I mean, busier. Maybe it's a different kind of busy, but call it what you want- it still leaves me wanting to run away to some far-away country and never come back. K, a little dramatic I know, but seriously... the feelings are strong here. I'm in the middle of the storm, it's expected.

Class. laaaaame. bye.

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