Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Can God Cure Stress? I think so.

Um... alright. I have been thinking all day how much I wanted to write in this thing, and then I get to this point where the computer's in front of me, and I just can't recall why I wanted to write so badly. It's not like I have anything dire or important to write about, or anything mildly interesting or worth reading. But maybe that's not the point. Let's get rolling...

I am currently feeling stressed about a few of my classes...
1. Engl 105
2. Pol. Sci. 251
3. JL MC 110

and then, there are some other things I am also stressed about. I feel like I am being pressured to join some kind of club, especially in my journalism emphasis... and I am actually very interested in doing so, but it's just choosing which one. Because, honestly, I don't think I have time for more than one, not with my soccer schedule. But I am just feeling very pressured to GET INVOLVED!!!! and it's like ok, calm down... but then, I think, well... if I don't get super involved my freshman year, I'll basically just fail the rest of college. because that's just how I think, I'm always "all or nothing"- which, I should probably work on, 'cause that's probably not healthy!
I got my soccer schedule tonight after practice, and just kind of went..."wow." I am excited and can't wait to play our first game, but another side of me is just like ahhhh how do I balance all of this with school and miscellaneous things I have in the back of my head that take up plenty of my time already... how do I do it? well here's the game schedule!

Sun, Sep 17- Iowa at Iowa
Mon, Sep 18- Wartburg at Waverly
Fri, Sep 22- tournament at Boulder, CO
Sat, Sep 23- tournament at Boulder, CO
Sun, Sep 24- tournament at Boulder, CO
Sat, Sep 30- UNI at HOME (Ames)
Sun, Oct 15- Loyola at Chicago, IL
Fri, Oct 20- Grandview at Des Moines
Sun, Oct 22- KU at Lawrence, KS
Sat, Oct 28- Drake at Des Moines
Sun, Nov 5- KU at HOME (Ames)
Sat, Nov 11- UNI at Cedar Falls

Halfway through practice tonight, I almost threw up. It was a combination of not being in shape, running constantly, and already being fatigued from my allergies. Have you ever worked so hard you just felt sick? That's how I felt. And I'm not whining about it, I just couldn't believe how awful I felt. By the end of practice, I was completely WASTED. my body was pushed to its limits, I think I was a minute away from passing out, haha. My calves, feet, and toes were cramping up so badly I just wanted to cry... haha... I couldn't walk... those calf cramps seriously paralyze you, they suck. then I had to walk to my car... and drive it.. haha, all the while my feet were like cramping and just trying to make me scream- but I didn't, and I didn't cry! I did call my mom, haha, and I told her that if I were home I would have made her drive me home... but now I'm at college... I have to do it myself even if I'm in pain. haha. ahh. I just feel completely and utterly drained right now, like there is literally not one ounce of energy left in my body. I don't understand though, because it's not like I'm not getting enough sleep... I got 8 hours last night for crying out loud! haha. but I suppose my allergies are still causing quite a lot of fatigue and such, but my allergy shot last Friday is definitely starting to help, I can just tell. which, is very nice. I'm happy.

One of the reasons I'm so stressed about my JL MC 110 class, is I left class today way more confused about what the heck I want to do than when I walked in the door at the beginning of class. gahH!!!!! I don't know which emphasis is more my style and which I would enjoy more and be better at... newspaper, or magazine. both had reps come in to our class today and discuss specifics about their emphasis, and I am just way confused. confusion = stress!

Yet, I reach for my Bible and find peace, as always.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."- John 16:33

"If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you."- John 15:7

God is great! <3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your #1 and #2 classes you listed were two of my first semester freshman year classes (back when I was Poli Sci major).

Hang in there with the stress and stuff.