Friday, September 15, 2006

HE is everywhere.

This afternoon, I had to walk over to Ross Hall to turn in my Visual Analysis Essay on a magazine ad. On the walk back, I was overtaken by the beauty of the Iowa State campus. So, I plopped down in the middle of central campus in the shade of a lovely tree, listened to my ipod, and wrote a little in my moleskin. Lately I have just been journaling in my green notebook (my birthday present from the beautiful Sam Carlson), but since I don't usually take it with me everywhere I go like my moleskin, I wrote in it instead. This is what I wrote...

As I am sitting here in a sea of soft, green grass, underneath the gracious canopy of a monstrous tree with many limbs and trunks weaving every which way... I am thinking about the beauty of this place. I'm thinking about the magnificent creation above me, underneath me, and all around me. God is here, in this place, with me. He is in the grass and He is in the soil, He is in the swaying branches all the way to the tips of the leaves. He is everywhere-- in the lovely breeze, the pockets of clouds in the tranquil sky. I sense His love here. I don't just FEEL it, I sense it- meaning, in every way possible... I see it, hear it, smell it... because His love is in every blade of grass I am laying on, it's in every gust of wind that blows the smell of change to my nose. His love and His majesty are just everywhere!

He frees me.
Being around His glorious creation just frees my spirit.
I'm flying now.
My soul is soaring free!

The feeling is much like me laying here now, with my shoes off... feeling the ground with my barefeet and the cool grass inbetween my toes. It's just so liberating!

Thank you, Father. :-)

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