Monday, November 06, 2006


So I am sitting here, in my newly moved around room (as of yesterday). Does change ever just make you feel good? Just by having my room moved around and all the furniture and the set-up of everything... it just makes me feel good having it change. :-)

I don't really feel well today. It's not like I would say... I feel... "sick"... it's more like, I just feel weak. I don't know. After my Journalism & Mass Communication 101 midterm (the second), I zipped back here and slept..................... for five hours. Apparantly it's an amazing feat, to nap for 5 hours, from noon until 5 pm. but, for me, it seemed completely... not amazing. It felt just like a normal hour, or hour and a half nap. After that, you'd think I would feel incredibly well-rested, but I actually have felt crappy all night since then. It was super hard to get up and walk across campus to my 9 oclock english 105 class, but i pushed myself. When i had breakfast in my room, all the sudden my gag reflux thing went off and I just threw up my entire breakfast, which contained a piece of lemon poppyseed bread and a cinnamon poptart, my normal breakfast. Gross, huh? Well it didn't make me feel especially cheerful to start my day I can tell you that... yuck.

I didn't even eat lunch, I just slept alllllll afternoon, for freaking five hours. After dinner, I put in Harry Potter 3 and watched that while doing my Pol. S. 251 notes and JLMC 101 notes as well. I made some tea, tried to relax. One thing I have learned is when I feel like stress is coming on, when I can tell, the best thing to do is help myself relax the best way I can. My stomach still felt queasy (did I spell that correctly?) though. I also watched some episodes of season 2 Laguna Beach, mostly because I felt super weak and my head hurt and I had no motivation in my body to go anywhere or do anything. So i spent my evening pretty much on my futon... wait, AND my afternoon. sweet. i feel really good about that. lol, NOT!

I dont know if there's something WRONG with me or what... but, I just don't want to sleep 5 hours again tomorrow. and it didnt even phase my body clock, like I'm still exhausted right now, with it being 12 a.m.... this is kind of my usual bedtime that i prefer, so, yeah.. i dont know... im super tired, like i said my body just feels weak. like i cant DO anything. im trying not to get down on myself about it, i tend to do that when i physically dont feel well, so, yeah im trying to stay cheerful. i think i'm gonna go read my Bible and then climb up into my bed and sleep the night away.

after I enjoy some tasty teddy grahams.

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