Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Santa Fe, mmm.

Yesterday was a good day.

Cort and I had lunch together, and Catherine joined us a little later. I finished my online geology homework in my room afterwards, briefly talked to Erin on the phone, then walked over to Birch. I hung out with Cort most of the afternoon. I worked a little on my library homework, then Cort had this brownie thing w/ hot fudge and we cooked it and i had half and he had the other... it was one amazing brownie, even though it was mostly just a glob of barely-hardened chocolate. haha. whatever, i enjoyed it! chocolate is just amazing like that. Then we had a really good talk for, i dont know, like 45 minutes or so, and it was wonderful. It is always wonderful to connect with a brother on a deep spiritual level, Cort has always been a great encouragement to me in my walk with Christ. well, JR walked in, so we popped in Batman Begins. what a grrreat movie! i had seen it 2 or 3 times before, but i had never seen the ending, haha. soo i finally watched it all the way through, and it was fantastic! Then i met Erin at the udcc for dinner. Lots of people working at the udcc were dressed in sweet halloween costumes, and just people in general that were there eating, haha it was kinda fun seeing people get into halloween like that. They also handed out candy when they swiped our cards... soo... hey, candy is ALWAYS good in my book!

Later on, I walked over to Sante Fe, the coffee shop along Lincoln Way, to do homework/study. I can't really drive to Barnes & Noble like I used to ALL the TIME last year, haha, so i'm finding that Santa Fe is a nice substitute. I got all my library 160 work done and out of the way, since I'm doing the accelerated option my assignments are all due tomorrow when i take the final exam and am done w/ library foreverrrr! woo hoo. I started studying for my Pol. S. 251 exam, which is also tomorrow, but got sidetracked and ended up talking to my lovely friend Kayla online for a pretty long time! turns out, Kayla is in need of some quality friend time and is quite lonely over at Elmhurst. Her and Mitch are driving home this weekend, and so I decided I will do the same so I can spend some time with them. I know what it feels like to not be happy where you're at and how desperately you just need to be around people who love you and support you... so I want to be there for her.

I know I go home almost every weekend, but, honestly, I don't care what people have to say about that. If I want to go home almost every weekend, so what? I love being here in Ames during the week and when I'm going to classes, but when I dont have anything going on here, and I have the opportunity to go home to West Des Moines and spend time with my family and friends there, I'm gonna go back, no questions asked. My friends back home are pretty much family to me anyway, and they're the kind of friends I plan on having for the rest of my life, so I dont think there's anything wrong with it.

I enjoyed a grande almond latte while I relaxed and worked at Santa Fe. I actually didnt even plan it, but I studied my Bible for a good 45 minutes while I was there. Right now I am in the Word basically every day. I really dont usually do this, but I am finding that depending on God is the most important thing in the whole world, and the only way I can depend on Him fully is to read my Bible literally every single day. I love it! I went home right about at 10 pm, then i finished up some things and cleaned my room a little, and laid around watching 1st and 2nd season episodes of Laguna Beach.... it was fabulous. :-) I had chips and salsa, and some cheetos duhhhh. I couldnt sleep again though, bummer! so I didnt fall asleep i think until 1:30 or something... i dont know, it sucked. :-(

but anyway, Tuesday was a good day!

Today, I plan on having some God time, going to my Painter's Anonymous club meeting, studying for my Pol. S. 251 test HARDCORE, and watching the new season 3 episode of Laguna Beach (of course). Sounds goooood to me! oh and tonight is sister-dinner night with miss Erin, so cant wait. That's the low-down of yesterday and today so far. Love you all! :-)

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