Sunday, January 21, 2007

Brad Pitt, you've got me hooked.

I love a good weekend with familiar faces. and new faces. all kinds of faces, really.

Friday night I had a movie date with Steve. The movie Snatch, with Brad Pitt and a bunch of other sweet actors, was a VERY good movie. Watching that movie and loving it so much continues to confirm my theory that I pretty much end up loving every movie I see that Brad Pitt stars in..... mostly because he is an amazing actor in my opinion, and a liiiiittle bit because he is smokin' HOT!

Saturday I arrived back home in West Des Moines around 3:30 pm, and scarfed down some McDonalds before heading downtown to the House of Bricks to see my ATA boys play a show. They were fantastic- duh. The band before Killpact was freaking amazing... I can't remember the name of the band... but Killpact, some metal band... mehhh... I guess I'm not much of a metal fan. yeah. actually I know I'm not. hehe. It was a good time though. Lindsey and I sat at the merch table and talked the whole time as the other bands played. After doing so, I decided I need and want to buy a Bukowski poetry book ASAP, and I also decided that I love Lindsey. But... that's really nothing new because I've always loved her. I think I just love her more maybe? haha, or maybe that's not even possible. Anyway- she's just great!!!!! :-)
Later that night after we were kicked out of HOB for being under 21... it had started to snow, so I was really happy. I love snow. Love love love it! The boys plus Kayla and Linds went to Luke's to unload and stuff, but I took a detour and visited Aubs at Starbucks. Right when I walked in the mall doors, I ran into Blake (Blewis, Kayla's bro) and Scotty. Blake gave me an amazing hug! I loooove amazing hugs! Yay. So I talked a little to Aubs and got my delicious white chocolate mocha... duh, what else would I get. Then I headed back to my house and most of the crew came over (Kay, Linds, Bry, Mitch, Zach, Sam, Emily C., James, Aubs). Kayla, Lindsey, Zach, Mitch, Bryan and I hottubbed (who cares that it was still snowing out?), which felt amazing! but.... I got really sick. Then, after about 20 minutes of pure nauseousness and almost throwing up the only meal I had eaten all day... I had a very awkward encounter with my dad, involving Zach and I going upstairs to get some food. Not gonna rehash that- it would probably just get me into a really bad mood. Because, after the encounter, I was in a crappy mood. My dad had been a jerk all night to me and my friends... so I wasn't very happy. But, my friends, being the amazing, wonderful human beings that they are, made me feel good again. Their words and hugs mean the world to me. I just love them. Plain and simple. They really are the best people in the whole world. I would know... because... I've met every single person in the universe. yup. it's true. hehe.

Aubrey and Kayla spent the niiiiiight! We watched Night at the Roxbury and laughed our heads off... had some good talks... then went to bed around 2. All the while, beautiful snow flakes fell to the earth and I couldn't wait to wake up the next morning and see a fresh blanket of snow and bigger snow drifts on curbs. Today, I picked up Aubrey for lunch at Panera, and Caely and Natalie met us there. It was sooo good to get to see Nat and Cae finally. I was beginning to think I wouldn't get to see them, which would be very sad indeed, because I do not think I will be coming home to wdm probably for a couple weeks or so. Yay! So lunch was wonderful. We ran into a bunch of people we knew. Then, Cae and Nat left, and Zach, Aubs and I saw the movie Night At the Museum! Two things to say about that... 1- THE AWESOME THREESOME BACK TOGETHER AGAIN! YEAHHH!! 2- such a great movie! it was hilarious and actually GOOD! yayyy!

Zach and I drove back to Ames around 5, and so here I am. I don't have any homework due to preoccupy myself with until Tuesday... so... I'm a little bored. Hence, the blog. Well, and it was a good weekend I wanted to write about. so yeah. I wanted to see Steve at some point, but he's pretty busy tonight so I don't think I'll be able to do that. sad! I like him :-)

Two things I am pretty excited about that are coming up in the life of Emily...
1- MATT WERTZ is coming to the M-shop here in Ames. FREAKIn' yeah!
2- my Theology of the Bible class, through Cornerstone Church here in Ames, starts the first week of February on Mondays... Erin, Jamie and I are all going to take it, and i am pretty pumped about it. I've always wanted to learn more about theological stuff and what not, so here's my chance.

I think I'm going to just do some homework anyway... and go to bed early... because I feel like I'm getting sick. I had a fever, but I took something for it, so that helped a little.. I still feel crappy though, and crappier with every passing minute! dah!! i dont need to be sick this week.. i need to be healthy so i can go to class and not be a bum. haha. ok, whatever we'll see what happens I guess. <3

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