Friday, January 26, 2007

Jeremiah was a good snowman.

Oh goodness. So, I've been pretty sick all week. Ugh. But... guess what? I woke up today, and I'm not sick anymore! My throat barely hurts at all. It's so nice... considering yesterday I basically wanted to cry every time I swallowed. I felt like I was dying! Now, I feel pretty darn great. I'm sooooo happy. I think that's the fastest I have ever gotten over a cold... ever. :-)

Yesterday (Thursday)--
I had dinner with Erin and Jamie. I ran into Steve on our way out of the udcc, and then Erin & Jamie proceeded to slap me with newspapers and basically molest me for like five minutes. They were upset because I had not let them in on a secret, haha. but whatever. It was pretty hilarious running around the udcc getting slapped with newspapers by Erin and Jamie... but you probably had to be there to really appreciate the humor. They left to go to the 7:00 Salt, and I headed back to my room. A little later, Steve came up and educated me on who Steve Nash is and then we went down to Livingston and hung out with Brek and the other guys. Bryce played Steve's sega genesis (the best game ever-- the lion king!), and then Steve and I ran into Renee- so the three of us walked over to the MU for 9:00 Salt. The first person I saw as I walked into the main entrance.... was Austin Herman!!!!!!!!! I ran over to him and gave him a gigantic hug. I hadn't seen him in quite some time. He told me he decided to come to Ames for the evening and go to Salt so he could see everyone, because he leaves for BETHEL this Sunday... :-( aww, Austin. Oh how you will be missed. Then, we finally met up with the rest of the crew- Kayla, Mitch, Zach, Josh, and Mike! So we all sat together at Salt and it was a really good time :-).

When Steve and I walked back to Helser, we hung out the rest of the night in his room. I watched him play some more lion king on sega, which is very exhilirating let me tell you (no sarcasm, i seriously love it). Then we chilled on the futon and watched CONAN. i definitely love the Conan O'Brien show... it is so funny. Steve likes it too. we laughed a lot. i love laughing. We popped some popcorn because I had the munchies, haha, and I ate the entire bag pretty much. We almost watched the movie Clerks 2, but it was getting kind of late so we decided against it. Brek came back so the three of us watched some more tv together and that was basically it.

Today (Friday)--
Steve came by my room and wanted to play in the snow, so we went outside between Helser & Eaton/Martin and played in the snow for a little bit. haha. it was really fun. I love the snow, and it was the BEST kind of snow because you could pack it super well! Steve was dominating me on the target hitting at the beginning... but I got him back with some really good snowball hits in the end. He started rolling a snowman, haha, and constructed the whole thing all by himself. I helped sculpt him a little. We gave him arms, eyes, and a mouth, but didnt have a carrot for the nose.... kind of sad. but oh well. he was an amazing snowman. We named him Jeremiah. Brek called, and then was yelling at us from Steve's room, and before you know it.... Brek and Chris were sprinting towards Jeremiah and.........yep, they demolished him. hahaha. Goodbye, Jeremiah :-(. He was a good snowman while it lasted! I was a little upset that they destroyed Jeremiah... so I hit Brek with a snowball, and he didnt like that so he pushed me into a big snow drift. hehe. I kind of knew that was coming. Anyway, then we all headed back in because Steve and Brek were gonna go run. So I came back to my room and decided to get a yummy smoothie-- number 19 babyyyy orange shooter! it's the best. I love all the vitamin C! ive been getting lots this week to help with my cold.

I showered and stuff... and ive basically just been hanging out the rest of the afternoon. I'm gonna have dinner with Kayla, Mitch, Mike, Zach and JR pretty soon here... then later tonight I'm watching a movie with Steve! YAY!! then TOMORROW... AUBREY is coming uppppp and i'm soooo excited the whole crew is gonna party all niiiiight. :-) i love my friends.

and i'm so glad i don't feel super sick anymore. yay! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so are you guys officially dating yet?