Thursday, February 07, 2008

"you can climb a ladder up to the sun..."

So, being on a bunch of medicines really opens your eyes up to how different drugs work in your body, and how amazingly helpful they can be, and how amazingly sucky they can be too. After my car accident, my doctor put me on an anti-anxiety medicine at a super low dosage (cause I'm such a skinny little girl...) and it definitely helped stop me from having anxiety attacks from nightmares of the crash, when I would be in a car and when I'd have flashbacks and things like that over the course of 10 days I think. Well now that I'm off of it, I noticed on the little packet of information on the drug that it says not to go off of it cold-turkey and just stop taking it. But I didn't know that and no one really told me about it and I didn't think anything of it especially with all the chaos that's been going on in my life.. just didn't cross my mind. Yeeeeah. Now I'm having all these things happen to my body like tremors in my hands and fingers that's.. actually really noticeable, and this crappy dry-mouth feeling and some other crappy things. But the tremors are the crappiest, my hands just shake and shake and shake. Ugh!!!!! And I guess when I was telling my mom the situation, she told me that's pretty much my body reacting to a physical addiction to the medicine because it's a "habit-forming" drug. Well shoot. I didn't know that. That's lame and I hate that my hands shake all the time.

Well that's my lame story of the day. My awesome story of the day is that Zach and I had a really great lunch together just the two of us at the MU today. We had an awesome talk and got a lot of things out in the open and stuff like that. I love Zach very, very much! :)

I'm excited for Salt tonight, and EXTREMELY nervous :( at the same time.....

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