Saturday, May 26, 2007

Wisconsin Love!

sooooo I'm currently in Verona, Wisconsin! I arrived here yesterday at 7 pm and I'm staying til Monday morning I believe. Mel, Brek and I ate out for dinner last night, then we came back to Brek's house so Brek could shower and I took a little nap since I was so tired from the 5-hour drive. We went to a party and hung out for a while with people they know, and then they drove me around downtown Madison and it was AWESOME. They showed me the whole campustown and pointed out lots of sweet things, seriously it was a really cool city, very pretty too. I stayed at Brek's last night, and that's where I am right now. It was kind of weird because Mel and Brek have been dating forever, but Mel wanted me to stay in Brek's room since her house is currently undergoing a mass cleaning for her grad party on Sunday and doesn't have a guest room. I slept great though because I was so freaking tired, and Brek was super tired from working all day so we both just crashed when we got back here at like 1 a.m.

We're gonna have lunch soon, and then Brek's taking me over to Mel's so Mel and I can go to some graduation parties she feels "obligated" to go to, haha. So, free food, yay!! Then we'll meet back up with Brek for dinner and go out to one of Brek's friends' parties tonight I guess. We're all mad at Steve because he's being lame and keeps saying he's not sure he can come up here because of his mom not wanting him to be away from home after having his leg surgery.... and I totally understand her concern, but ughhhh we all really wanted to see him and have like a reunion of all four of us! but oh well, I guess whatever happens, happens. He might still be able to come tomorrow for Mel's party. I HOOOOPE, I hope I hope I hope!

Wisconsin is BEAUTIFUL. I love it here. ok that's all for now. later!! <3

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