Tuesday, May 15, 2007

you can fly, you can fly, you can fly, you can fly, you can FLY!!

Tonight, the college kids plus Sam, Bry, and Rob, watched a classic Disney movie at Foster's house. Peter Pan!!!!!!! Sam, Kayla and I got a kick out of naming everyone in our group of friends as they would resemble the characters of the movie.. in personality or looks or both. It was stinkin hilarious! I think we got just about everyone figured out...?? Here it goes.

The Lost Boys
the bear (the resemblance is remarkable): Bryan
the two twin raccoons: Natalie and Caely
the rabbit (can't see his eyes very well, hehe): Kate
the fox (loud and obnoxious laugh): me
the skunk (so stylish in black and white): sorry Lindsey you're the last one to get named and this is the only one left hahaha

Peter Pan (based on who is most childish...): Mitch
Wendy (the mother, duhh): Sam
Tinkerbelle (the jealous b*tch...haha, but of course so very loyal and sweet to Peter too!): Kayla

The Little Bros
John (intelligent, inquisitive bro): James
Michael (silly, little boy): Rob

one of the Indians: Mike
Indian Chief w/ the really deep voice: Tim
Princess Tiger Lily (hot damsel in distress): Aubrey

The Pirates
Captain Hook (Fos should have been born into the life of a pirate): Foster (or it also could be Tim, because of his mustache...but that can be disputed)
Smee (loves to drink like a pirate): JR

The Crocodile (Zach's caveman grunts are basically equivalent to the crocodile's hunger grunts as he rubs his belly like a stupid idiot whenever Hook is near, haha): Zach

ok, so yeah.. good times. Next Disney movie we MUST watch: The Rescuers Down Under!!!

Goodnight <3


Anonymous said...

hahahaha oh last night was so much fun... too bad i had to leave early. stupid school.

Anonymous said...

i would agree with it all...too bad i missed out