Saturday, May 19, 2007

"you buried me, didn't you... didn't you?"

This summer is already seeming to just fly by. It's almost June!

Saddest thing ever happened last Tuesday evening..............GILMORE GIRLS ended its 7-year long run. It was the most amazing show ever. Aubrey and I freaking cried our eyes out like little babies watching the LAST EPISODE EVER! ughhhh. so when my birthday comes around, everyone just chip in and get me all the Gilmore Girls dvds... sound good??? ok!!!! this is how sad Aubs and I were:

I start working tomorrow at my new job. I'm nervous. At orientation the other day, I learned so much all at once and didn't have a lot of time to process everything. So yesterday and today I've just been thinking about everything I need to know for my job and it's kind of freaking me out, because I want to be great, I want to impress, I want to succeed. It may sound kind of dumb to some people that I'm so nervous about this job when it's just a common retail job. But I look at it differently. Whatever I do, I want to do it to the best of my ability. So, if that means knowing a bunch of different styles of pants (from our Express Design Studio in New York, we have a Luxury Stretch Editor pant that is perfect for a professional look... the pant is versatile, durable, and will last you years, OR if you're looking for something more casual and something you can wear out on the town with a cute top try our Premier Stretch Editor pant, with a lighter fabric that still makes you look fabulous...), and incorporating that knowledge into helping customers find clothes that fit and make them look great, then I'm gonna do it. One thing is for sure, when I dive into something new, I dive in with enthusiasm and great effort. I'm so ambitious when I really want to be, and right now I really, really want to be. I wish I could figure out how to turn it into something that isn't based on a conditional time period, but I don't have that figured out just yet. I don't know, I've been frustrated with myself lately because I've gone so long just kind of slipping by, with school and my grades and not having a job during the school year. As much as people were pushing me and pushing me to get motivated and be pro-active, I just wasn't gonna do it until I wanted it myself. I don't know why it took me that long to feel like this and turn it into productivity, but at least I'm here now.

My sister came home from her medical missions trip in Nicaragua yesterday. My mom and I drove to Omaha and picked her up from the airport. It was amazing hearing her testimony from the trip and listening to all the cool stuff she got to do and all the people she got to meet and impact in a positive way. It's just crazy how much my sister really means to me, and how she affects my life. Right when she got home, it was like I finally felt like it was my HOME. She makes our home feel like a home to me. Without her there, it's just kind of this place where I sleep and eat sometimes. She brought me a gift back from Nicaragua, which I absolutely ADORE. It's a beautiful turquoise/blue skirt with white lace from a Nicaraguan market... and I'm wearing it right now. We are at Java G's chillin' right now, and I'm quite happy. :)

Next weekend, I'll be driving to Wisconsin!! I get to spend the weekend with Melanie, Brek, and hopefully Steve if his leg surgery heals fast (it better)!!! Ugh I'm so freakin' excited you have no idea! I'm excited to get to drive by myself to a new destination, pick out sweet "road trip music" to listen to really loud the whole time, and see the people I miss the most this summer being away from Iowa State!

One of these days, all the girls are gonna have a girls night.... and we are gonna watch 2 chick flicks- Music & Lyrics, and Because I Said So. Seriously it's gonna be awesome. We'll eat, maybe hottub, laugh and cry and whine about guys while we watch the movies, and probably take pics. Yup. Welcome to a girls night. If you're a guy, you'll just never get it. Just like when guys have guys nights, girls just don't understand anything about it.

ummmm, new favorite song: "Love & Memories" by O.A.R.
I could listen to it 100 times a day and not get tired of it!

ok Aubs will hopefully be calling me soon about heading over to Blewis' grad party... so laterrrr.

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