Friday, August 04, 2006

Dr. Flood's diagnosis (that really is my kidney doctor's name)

Health update:

I had an appointment today with my kidney doctor. We saw it necessary for me to see him after certain occurrences as of late, like my little visit to the ER in Raleigh, and, I don't know, all the pain and discomfort that I've felt for the past 3 weeks every time I go to the bathroom or, anytime at all really. Apparantly I've lost weight... that was the first thing he asked me about when he walked into the room. Weird? But anyway, basically, all of the problems and symptoms I've been experiencing are all connected to the major possibility that I am passing my second kidney stone. There was a time when we knew of four stones inside of me, but I've only passed one, and for the past year I've been under the impression I didn't have anymore. I think that's changed.

So... yes, the doctor. I had to do yet another urine sample, then get bloodwork, oh and then do ONE MORE urine sample (I was chugging water the whole time). Next week I am scheduled for an ultrasound (my third ever), and not only are they checking out my kidneys/bladder for stones, but they're checking my ovaries to make sure it's not a cyst problem... nice (I've ruptured an ovarian cyst in the past, it feels very similar to the pain of a kidney stone actually, so it's a possibility...). Can't wait. Whatever, I'm used to this stuff, it's fine. But I must admit, I always come home feeling a bit depressed after a visit to my kidney doctor. I love the guy, I mean don't get me wrong, he's like the coolest dude ever and our visits are always pleasant, but I hate the disease, I hate how it affects me psychologically and emotionally (obviously physically).

I am praying that this is a kidney stone and that I am in the process of passing it. Give me the pain, I don't care I'll take it, but just get the sucker out of me so that I can be assured that that's what all my misery has come from. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to sound dramatic, but this stuff really does make me feel miserable at times. I know I will find strength somehow, as long as I keep praying and depending on God. I pray that it's not something else, something worse, that's been causing me this pain. I really think it's a kidney stone, and I am confident in that because I'm pretty much a kidney stone pro... I mean, I've been an experienced stoner (hah..) for 5 years now. But you just never know with medical stuff, things can change in an instant, you just never know what the results are going to be.

In only a few hours I will awaken to a new morning, and I will be on the road for 4ish hours with two of my favorite girls ever- Erin Sexton and Jamie Letourneau. We will be cruising to an area close to KU in Kansas for a music festival called Bleeding Kansas... where we will get to see Death Cab, Keane, and Mates of State. And those are just the main events, there are going to be a ton of other bands there too. Good people + good music = good time. I am PUMPED!!!

Pray for my kidneys please.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had Dr. Flood as a lecturer a ton last year. He writes hard test questions... glad he is better as an actual doctor than a test question writer.

Have a wonderful year at college! Can't wait to see you when you come back to visit!

Love, Laura (Redig)